1957-1958: Ernest Stewart Cox

1957-1958: Ernest Stewart Cox

Ernest Stewart Cox (b. 1900)

President of the Institution of Locomotive Engineers

Born in Glasgow in 1900, Ernest Stewart Cox was educated at the Merchant Taylors School, Crosby, and received his engineering training at the Horwich works of the former Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway between 1917 and 1921. Appointed Draughtsman in the latter year, he was transferred in the same capacity to Derby in 1925 and from 1928 was in charge of the LMS Dynamometer Car. Following a period at Euston, he returned to Derby in 1934 as Assistant Works Superintendent in the Locomotive Works. He was appointed Personal and Technical Assistant to the Chief Mechanical Engineer in 1937 and Chief Technical Assistant in 1941. He served with the Indian Pacific Locomotive Committee in 1938, and from 1940 was engaged on work connected with workshop equipment and manpower.

Mr. Cox visited the USA in 1945, and in 1948 became Executive Officer (Design) to the newly-formed Railway Executive, covering both locomotives and rolling stock.

In 1954 he became Mechanical Engineer (Development) at the British Transport Commission, British Railways Central Staff, in which capacity he acted as deputy to the Chief Mechanical Engineer. 

Mr. Cox was awarded the George Stephenson Research Medal of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and the Gold Medal of the Institution of Locomotive Engineers, on the latter of which bodies he had served on the Council since 1944 and as a Vice-president since 1953. As Chairman of the Journal and Awards Committee of the Institution of Locomotive Engineers in 1953 he was a tower of strength in encouraging members to present Papers not only by direct approach but by his example-he read before the Institution no less than eight Papers himself between 1938 and 1954.

Mr. Cox was a Lt.-Colonel in the Engineer and Railway Staff Corps (T.A.), a member of the Control Committee of the Office of Research and Experiments, IUR and served on the Materials Subcommittee of the Vth Commission of the International Union of Railways.

Mr. Cox was elected an Associate Member of the Institution in 1924 and he transferred to Member in 1937.

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Date of Creation Unknown
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